Sunday, July 22, 2012

Natural News

Article news, articles and information:

Heal your thyroid by banishing inflammation, boosting immunity and improving digestive health

7/19/2012 - Thyroid hormones regulate other hormones, including the adrenal glands' adrenaline production. Thyroid gland hormones also influence cellular metabolism, digestion, libido, and overall energy. There are three maladies involving the thyroid. Not everyone knows he or she has a thyroid issue even while...

Shock claim - NaturalNews exclusive - LA 'authorities' in Rawesome raw milk raids were impersonating public officials

7/19/2012 - Documents and testimony obtained by NaturalNews allege the following: The Rawesome Foods armed "raw milk raids" and prosecution of James Stewart and Sharon Palmer were carried out in part by law-breaking private citizens pretending to be lawful government authorities. Those individuals -- who have been...

CDC reports that 1 in 12 public pools are contaminated with parasites

7/18/2012 - A July 9, 2012 news article published in the New York Daily News stated that a public swimming pool in Brooklyn had to be shut down when it became contaminated with fecal material. Park officials believed the incident was caused by a dirty diaper. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publishes...

Modern science validates light and color therapies in promoting full-spectrum health

7/16/2012 - The ancient practices of phototherapy and chromotherapy are gaining momentum as valid science. Researchers are now able to study how light and color not only affect psychological behavior, but also physiological systems of the body. An article in The New York Times explores how color and light influence...

'Monsanto Protection Act' to grant biotech industry total immunity over GM crops?

7/15/2012 - While millions of Americans were busy celebrating freedom from tyranny during the recent Independence Day festivities, Monsanto was actively trying to thwart that freedom with new attacks on health freedom. It turns out that the most evil corporation in the world has quietly attached riders to both...

Solar cooking 101: Harnessing the sun for health, wealth, and a clean environment

7/14/2012 - Cooking with the sun is not only eco-friendly, it also contributes to better tasting, more nutritious food. Preparing food in this way encourages energy independence for both developing countries and industrialized nations alike. In areas of the world where disease is on the rise and fuel is in short...

UK patient needlessly dies of dehydration due to neglect as part of 'backdoor euthanasia' program

7/14/2012 - Patients admitted under the care of the U.K.'s National Health Service (NHS) are at serious risk of falling victim to the nationalized health system's "backdoor euthanasia" program, which is responsible for inducing death in tens of thousands of patients every single year. One young man admitted to...

Avoid costly dental bills with natural remedies

7/13/2012 - Weary of expensive dental work? Try a few simple home treatments that help strengthen teeth and gums naturally. With the application of specific dietary and herbal recommendations, loose and decaying teeth are fortified and healed. By practicing purposeful oral hygiene with a few basic ingredients,...

Common childbirth procedures are NOT supported by scientific evidence

7/12/2012 - Many commonplace procedures that are practiced during routine, low risk, deliveries have no scientific evidence to back them up. These unnecessary medical processes can actually increase many risks in the mother and child. Many women are following the Midwife of Modern Midwifery, Ina May Gaskin, in...

Has big business overused "organic" to turn a profit?

7/12/2012 - Over 40 years ago, Michael J. Potter founded a small "whole earth" grocery store that eventually turned into a large organic foods producer and wholesaler, Eden Foods. However, last May he set out to challenge what organic food has become today. With organic food becoming more popular in today's age,...

Use these supplements to stop cravings, burn fat and energize your workouts

7/11/2012 - Maybe you've noticed - people on low or no fat diets tend to remain fat or regain it quickly. Food fat issues are overrated. We need good fat to help build cell walls and brain cells. Calorie sources and how they're metabolized are the real issues. A more recent, more accurate assessment points to...

Ward off cancer, protect against radiation, and ease irritable bowel syndrome with mint

7/11/2012 - A seemingly humble herb, mint offers a variety of exceptional health enhancing features. Research has shown that certain varieties of mint have properties that help defend against cancer and damaging radiation. Not only does this herb offer protective benefit, but it also provides those who suffer from...

Was the discovery of Higgs boson actually the world's most successful experiment in the power of conscious intention?

7/10/2012 - The recent discovery of the Higgs particle -- the "God" particle -- will go down in the history of science as one of the greatest discoveries ever made. But what was discovered, exactly? Was it a discovery of a "particle" that grants mass to other elements of matter, or was it the discovery that thousands...

SaneVax: Why is a highly sensitive HPV test used in vaccine development and not for patient care?

7/8/2012 - The SaneVax Team wants to know why consultants paid by the pharmaceutical industry appear to be using the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to promote a double standard of HPV testing to market "cervical cancer vaccines" at the expense of women's health. Are HPV...

Who knew? Compound in apples fights obesity, diabetes and fatty liver disease

7/8/2012 - Overweight and obesity continue to plague a majority of men, women and children alike, placing them at considerable risk for heart disease, diabetes and fatty liver disease as a result of chronic metabolic dysfunction. Alternative health practitioners understand that the problem is the result of much...

How convenient - Police claim Miami zombie cannibal was on marijuana, not bath salts

7/7/2012 - The Miami man who chewed the face off another man back in May was high on marijuana, not "bath salts." This is the claim now being made by the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner's Department, anyway, which is conveniently targeting marijuana at a time when many American states continue to advance decriminalization...

Sigmoidoscopy proven to be a better option than colonoscopy

7/6/2012 - Do you really think that a colonoscopy is still the best screening test or the screening test of choice when it comes to checking a person for signs of colorectal cancer? It turns out that something called the sigmoidoscopy may be just as good as a colonoscopy for testing or even better! For a long...

Activist mom launches national movement boycotting GMOs

7/5/2012 5:51:46 PM - Occasionally, an outraged citizen turns on the establishment and starts a grass roots national campaign. One such citizen is Connecticut mother Diana Reeves. She quit her promising career with an upscale accounting firm to take care of her young son with cancer, who died before turning five. With...

Higgs boson discovery leads to FDA-approved 'mass reduction' weight loss therapy (satire)

7/4/2012 - The extraordinary discovery of the Higgs boson particle, long sought after in the physics community to help explain the "Standard Model" of physical reality, took the world by storm today. Achieving a 5-sigma level of statistical significance, the supercollider data show with almost complete certainty...

U.S. researchers create 30 genetically modified human babies

7/3/2012 - US fertility researchers from the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of Saint Barnabas in New Jersey have created 30 healthy babies who have been genetically altered. It has been confirmed that two of these children have the DNA of three parents. The babies were created when women were...

Researchers seek to tame unruly emotions with food-based solutions

6/30/2012 - A staggering 20.9 million Americans suffer from mood disorders that may be linked to dietary choices. Researchers are exploring the effect of poor diet on the mind while searching for straightforward answers to our emotional woes. Findings suggest a varied, nutrient dense diet can significantly alter...

The five best summertime detox beverages

6/28/2012 - Summertime and the living is easy, except it gets hot. Some places get really hot but not so humid, others get hot and humid. Either way, it's a time for refreshing cool or cold drinks. It's possible to boost your health, detoxify, and alkalize while drinking a refreshing beverage. Here are five...

The Hospital Birth - Why most women are putting themselves at risk

6/24/2012 - The population has been led to believe that birthing in the hospital is the best option to having a safe delivery for mother and baby. While hospitals may provide the best environment for high-risk pregnancies (which account for six to eight percent of births worldwide), there are healthier alternatives...

Medicaid on brink of financial collapse in Illinois and other states

6/21/2012 - The taxpayer-funded government healthcare disaster known as Medicaid is on the brink of collapse in Illinois and a number of other states, according to reports, and legislators are working feverishly to come up with solutions to keep the welfare program afloat. A recent Reuters report explains that...

DEA agents terrorized the wrong family, including children, after license plate mix-up

6/21/2012 - Not that it happens often, but when police and federal agents screw up, they sure seem to do it right. The agency could be held liable for a botched raid during the early morning hour in 2007, when agents burst into a mobile home in Seely, Calif., guns drawn, after mixing up a suspected drug dealer's...

Dozens of autism brains at Harvard hospital found rotting after freezer failure

6/20/2012 - The autism research industry experienced a major loss recently after it was discovered that a freezer at the Harvard University-affiliated McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., had failed. According to reports, one-third of "the world's largest collection of autism brain samples" that were being stored...

White House photographer beaten, arrested by police for filming abusive arrest of Hispanic

6/20/2012 - From an imperial presidency to ignoring laws to unimpeded 24/7 surveillance, it sure is beginning to look a lot like the Leviathan police state has replaced the constitutional republic our founding fathers risked everything to create. To wit: Mannie Garcia, an "award-winning and distinguished professional...

Nine-year-old girl's lunch blog shames school and local politicians into making changes

6/19/2012 - A nine-year-old Scottish girl, Martha Payne, got some help from her dad to set up her blog "Never Seconds," in which she displayed her school's lunches and created her own content about them. Although the photos of those meals were not flattering, Martha was not decrying her school's food. Instead,...

Dr Oz a sellout on vaccines, declares Robert Scott Bell

6/16/2012 - There is a lot that television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz has said over the years that has actually been helpful and eye-opening for many people -- and some of it has even run against the grain of the mainstream medical system. But a recent article co-written by Dr. Oz that promotes vaccines has caused...

Discover the gateway to remarkable health with a diet rich in color

6/16/2012 - Consuming a diet rich in naturally colorful foods not only is beautiful but encourages ultimate health balance. Enjoying a variety of each color group provides a powerful defense against disease and environmental stressors. Scientific research has confirmed the importance of consuming a broad spectrum...

Study: CT scans raise risk of brain cancer in children

6/12/2012 - Children who undergo computed tomography (CT) scans during their early years are significantly more prone to develop brain cancer than children who are not exposed to this high radiation source. These are the findings of a new study published in the journal Lancet, and ones that could change the way...

Effective alternative treatments for Lyme disease and protection from tick bites

6/11/2012 - Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne infectious disease in the US. It's transmitted to humans spending time in woodsy areas and from ticks on dogs. The Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria causes Lyme disease and arthritis, manifesting in a multitude of symptoms ranging from rheumatoid arthritis, to...

NYT distorts GMO labeling issue, tries to make it a debate about crop yields

6/11/2012 - The American people are tired of being lied to about the ingredients that are present in the foods they eat, which is why many of them have helped launch or support grassroots efforts to require mandatory labeling of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). But corporate agriculture interests and their...

Greece, Spain near chaos and economic collapse

6/11/2012 - Europe's economies have been on a fiscal collision course for years, what with more people taking from the various socialist systems around the continent than paying into them. But Greece and Spain are probably the closest to the abyss, economists warn, and are liable to plunge off the cliff any day...

The truth about the growing trend of cesareans

6/10/2012 - The United States Department of Health and Human Services is reporting that Cesareans are on the rise up 53 percent since 1996. The C-Section rate was listed as 21 percent in 1996 and a climbed to 32.8 percent in 2010. According to the World Health Organization the suggested rate of C-section should...

Anti-oxidant extracts maximize clean energy

6/9/2012 - Like a battery you need to be charged up every day. At the atomic level, our bodies run through an electrical energy system. The coordinated flow of this electrical energy at all times is what makes up the presence of life. Lifestyle habits that add voltage to our system help sustain the flow of energy...

Use food to boost your mood

6/7/2012 - Until we get solid with a steady diet of non-processed, mostly organic foods without sugar or high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) or synthetic sweeteners, we are likely to be hooked into the cycle of fake foods for moods. Comfort foods, ice creams, pastries, candies are available everywhere to soothe us...

MRSA variant resistant to last line of antibiotic defense

6/4/2012 - MRSA strain CC5 has emerged as one of the first bacteria to be resistant to all antibiotics, meaning that this hospital acquired infection is now potentially the most dangerous threat to hospital patients. In the findings of a new study, published by the American Society for Microbiology, it was...

Routine liver function tests no longer required for statin drugs

6/3/2012 - Until recently, patients receiving statin drugs generally had their liver function monitored before starting the drug, 12 weeks after initiation, with any dose increase and periodically (i.e. 1-2 times/year) thereafter. However, the FDA has recently declared that "routine periodic monitoring of liver...

Beat chronic back pain naturally

5/31/2012 - The first thing to consider is qualifying the type of pain you're experiencing. In many cases, back pain eases away in a few weeks. If it's strictly muscular from straining with work or exercise, applying heat can help. It's recommended that regular activity or exercise should continue. If your back...

New research reveals breathing pattern of smokers deepens the addiction

5/29/2012 9:52:41 AM - Ask nearly any smoker or ex-smoker why cigarettes are so addicting and they'll probably say, "It's the nicotine." But delve further into the hook, and what is revealed is that most smokers breathe quite differently while smoking than they do when they're not, aiding in relaxation by simply engaging...

Before vaccinating your children, demand your doctor sign this form

5/29/2012 - If you were to ask the average pediatrician practicing in America today what he or she thinks about childhood vaccinations, the likely response you would get would be that vaccines are safe and effective, and that their health benefits far outweigh any potential risks. But would these same pediatricians...

FDA tests Adya Clarity, confirms high level of aluminum, multiple label violations

5/29/2012 - Late last year, NaturalNews went public with an explosive story about a fraudulently marketed dietary supplement product called "Adya Clarity." Made from a combination of sulfuric acid and a mineral / metallic ore mined out of the ground near Fukushima, Japan, the substance was marketed online with...

The role of pure water in detoxification

5/28/2012 - We need to hydrate with pure water to retain our physical and mental health. All our tissues' cells need to be hydrated to function properly. Would you believe that most of us are dehydrated? It's not just your five or so quarts of blood serum that contain water. Your organs' cells contain water....

Boycott junk food in schools - California mandates set a healthy eating example

5/28/2012 - Legislation in California has set limits on what foods can be sold as competitive foods in their public schools. Competitive food sales include snack bars and kiosks, a la carte cafeteria purchases, and vending machines. The restrictions deal with lowering added sugars and fat contents and even excluding...

How to use Ho'oponopono to get rid of emotional baggage

5/28/2012 - A psychologist assigned to a Hawaiian ward for the criminally insane is credited to improving most of the prisoners' conditions and the general atmosphere of the ward in four years. His name is Dr. Ihaleakala S. Hew Len, hereafter referred to as Dr. Hew Len. He used a technique called Ho'oponopono...

Can gardening cure depression?

5/27/2012 - Organic gardening may produce physiological changes to boost your physical and mental health, a number of studies suggest. One such change may take place as a result of the simple act of putting your hands into the soil. A study conducted by researchers from the University of Bristol in London found...

NATO activists face terrorism charges, attorney says they are victims of entrapment

5/25/2012 - No matter what you think about the war in Afghanistan or the United States' and NATO's efforts around the world to combat terrorism where it breeds, Americans agree the Constitution permits peaceful protests of such efforts. Yet, attorneys for some anti-NATO activists say their clients have been arrested...

Discover the super-food power of noni

5/25/2012 - You may have seen ads promoting noni juice or heard about its health benefits and wondered if it's for real. Hopefully, this article will shed some light on the subject of noni. Most of the hype comes from multi-level marketing (MLM) providers. Their product is usually the most expensive and most...

Quebec government makes it illegal to protest against the government

5/24/2012 - America has some warts, no doubt, but it's hard to beat our Bill of Rights, which everyone knows includes the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom to assemble peacefully. While Canada has no such document, the country still has a reputation of supporting such rights. So a new piece...

Seven foods that will naturally cleanse your liver

5/23/2012 - The primary way in which your body expels toxins is via the liver, which detoxifies and cleanses your body by continuously filtering the blood of poisons that enter it through the digestive tract, the skin, and the respiratory system. But when your liver becomes overworked as a result of stress or excessive...

An unplanned diet wastes the effort of a hard workout

5/21/2012 - An understanding of dietary sources of nutrients is integral to organizing and implementing a dietary plan. For many sports enthusiasts, whose motivation may be bulk strength and aerobic fitness rather than the elusive balance of health, diet may not be a pressing concern. In a televised interview,...

Pink slime, meat glue and more: Public reactions force Big Food to make changes

5/20/2012 - Did you know a kid in junior high that, on a dare, would eat just about anything you dared him to eat, as long as you gave him your dessert? I did; the guy ate just about everything - bugs, earthworms, snails. He even ate a cockroach one time, no fooling. But he sure liked the school's chocolate pudding. With...

Marijuana eases painful MS muscle cramping

5/18/2012 - A recent Reuters write-up of a marijuana for an MS pain and spasticity trial highlighted positive results for the MS (muscular or multiple sclerosis) patients after using marijuana. They felt less pain and spasticity, which consists of extreme muscular tension, cramps and uncontrollable muscle spasms. MS...

The best foods to eat for type-2 diabetes

5/17/2012 - Getting diagnosed with type-2 diabetes can do a lot of things to your perspective: Your life, your priorities, your family and even your food. "What am I supposed to eat now?" is a common question after the initial prognosis. Fortunately, enjoying food may still be possible. Diabetes educator, Kathy...

Dr. Rashid Buttar talks vaccines on the Robert Scott Bell Show

5/12/2012 - Dr. Rashid Buttar guest-stars on the Robert Scott Bell Show to talk about Dr. Paul Offit, the devout vaccine entusiast who has probably ? in Dr. Buttar's words ? singlehandedly poisoned and killed literally millions of children worldwide. Dr. Buttar and Robert also cover important, breaking news regarding...

Beat Fibromyalgia naturally

5/12/2012 - Fibromyalgia is a chronic inflammatory condition consisting of muscular and joint pain and fatigue. Three to five percent of the population suffers with this condition with over 80% being women. This is one of the fastest growing disabling conditions in the US. Beat fibromyalgia now with natural lifestyle...

Heart-healthy foods that lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of plaque and improve cardio fitness

5/11/2012 - The foods you eat bring pleasure to your palate and provide your body with powerful healing substances. Most people probably never consider that their morning grapefruit protects their blood vessels or that eating a handful of raw almonds daily can protect them from cancer. Certain heart-healthy foods...

Zeolites: the natural detoxifyer

5/10/2012 - Zeolite is a naturally forming microporous, aluminosilicate mineral combination that is found in rock deposits around the world. Zeolite comes from the Greek word for 'boiling stones' as they emit steam when heated. Zeolites have a very strong affinity for pulling out toxic debris from water, clothing,...

Use these 5 powerful herbs to boost your immune system

5/9/2012 - It's good to know more about simple herbs to protect us against infections as well as cure us from infections and disease. Some herbs can be consumed directly; some need to be made into teas or tinctures, while others are offered as essential oils or in capsules as supplements. Here are five choices...

Study: Children who grow up on family farms and drink raw milk have fewer allergies, autoimmune disorders

5/9/2012 - Growing up on a family-scale farm and drinking raw cow's milk are two important elements that promote robust childhood immune development. These are the findings of a recent study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, which found that farm-raised children generally tend to have...

One man creates 1,360 acre forest

5/9/2012 - Have you ever heard the saying "you have the power to make a difference"? Well, the following demonstrates how one person has proven this. Over 30 years ago, a young teenager by the name of Jadav "Molai" Payeng had an idea to turn a barren sandbar into a thriving oasis. With this vision in mind, he...

Four great reasons to eat organic, grass-fed beef

5/8/2012 - Vegetarians and vegans can put up quite the convincing argument when it comes to what they are passionate about - not eating meat. Several have even appeared on this site. With all due respect to them, in the interest of fairness there is another side to the story. Humans are omnivores designed to use...

Four different approaches for preventing and healing vaccine injuries

5/8/2012 - Someone commented on a recent Natural News vaccine article something to this effect: "Why spend time confirming what we know; we need solutions." Avoiding vaccines altogether is obviously the best solution. But that's getting more difficult every month as the vaccine industry influences the media...

Human race being terminated by 'scientific suicide'

5/7/2012 - This is, without question, the most important article I've ever penned, because it discusses the idea that the human race is being destroyed in the name of science. Stopping these "scientists" from destroying our world and our civilization must become our top priority if we hope to survive. The...

The Measles Lie, and the ongoing ad campaign disguised as news

5/6/2012 - An article in the Daily Mail UK, has reported that there has been the highest rate of measles infection since 1988. It goes on to say that 214 cases have been reported in the Mersey-side area alone. In a blatant advert for the MMR vaccination, Dr Roberto Vivancos from the Health Protection Agency, said...

Dangerous glass fibers in cigarettes worsen lung damage for smokers

5/4/2012 - Shocking new research reveals that a specific type of lung cancer many smokers develop comes from tiny tears in their lung tissue caused by microscopic glass fibers, also known as glass wool, found in many conventional cigarette filters. These rips in the epithelial (soft) tissue fuel the development...

Health basics: Why homeopathy is rapidly gaining acceptance and credibility

5/4/2012 - When it comes to medicine and doctors, most people in America believe that if it's not expensive, it won't work. This theory may hold water when purchasing a new car or an i-phone, but the big profits in America come from invasive surgery and toxic prescriptions, which treat only symptoms, thus waiting...

Buffalo, NY, among the first cities to allow urban agriculture

5/2/2012 - You won't see cornrows stretching into the horizon or amber waves of grain as far as the eye can see, but there's a growing phenomenon in urban America - agriculture is "growing" in our big cities, and as a result, lawmakers and policy chiefs are taking notice. And perhaps nowhere is the trend more...

GMO alert: top 10 genetically modified foods to avoid eating

5/1/2012 - There is a conspiracy of selling out happening in America. Politics and personal interest it would seem determine government policies over and above health and safety issues. When President Obama appointed Michael Taylor in 2009 as senior adviser for the FDA, a fierce protest ensued from consumer groups...

Alternative treatments dissolve cataracts, prevent their return, and help to avoid surgery

4/30/2012 - Surgery is usually the only option offered by conventional medicine to people with cataracts; however, there are alternative treatments that may dissolve cataracts preventing their return. Cataracts occur when the eye's natural lens becomes cloudy, causing vision loss. They are most common in people...

Swiss government report declares homeopathy is 'cost effective' in treating patients

4/29/2012 - In a story akin to "the mouse that roared," a major report from the Swiss government has determined that the very small doses commonly used in homeopathic medicine are both effective and cost-effective. Despite the impressive technological prowess of conventional medicine today, the Swiss government...

Health Basics: 10 tricks to never eating meat again

4/28/2012 - What is the first question a meat-eater asks when you tell them you never eat meat? "Where do you get your protein from?" That protein myth has been dispelled for many years, in fact, there's more bio-ready "available" protein in raw vegetables than in meat, and it only takes a few minutes for the body...

Medical breakthrough? Inviting patients to be involved in their own care

4/28/2012 - A series of recent articles obtained from medical press releases all hailed a "new" concept just introduced into mainstream medicine: Allowing medical patients and clinical trial subjects to be more involved with their treatments. This is a new concept for the mainstream medical monopoly, but not for...

Health blogger threatened with jail time for advocating Paleo diet that cured his diabetes

4/26/2012 - Internet free speech is under assault in America, and a dangerous new trend has surfaced that threatens to throw nutritional bloggers in jail for advocating healthy diets on their blogs or websites. As you read this, a blogger who wrote about using the Paleo diet to overcome diabetes is being threatened...

Medical science and herbalists agree: hawthorn berries are a "great heart food"

4/26/2012 - Hawthorn berries (Crataegus laevigata or Crataegus mongyna) have been treasured for centuries as a botanical treatment for heart disorders. The brownish, wrinkled false fruit of the hawthorn tree are full of antioxidants. Both modern scientific and traditional literature indicate that hawthorn berries...

Birth defects are one-third more likely in babies conceived with IVF, according to studies

4/25/2012 - Technology is a wonderful thing in most cases, but sometimes doing things the old-fashioned way is not only better, it's safer too. To wit, a new study found that babies conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) - when a mother's egg is fertilized outside her body then transplanted to her womb...

Former head says TSA is 'national embarrassment'

4/25/2012 - When former president George W. Bush signed into law the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which established the existence of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), America was told flying would become a safer and more secure experience...

Citizens, OCA pledge to help Vermont and other states raise money to fight Monsanto

4/24/2012 - America is at a crucial tipping point in the fight for food labeling transparency, as the state of Vermont could be the first in the union to require mandatory labeling of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). But Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin and the Vermont state legislature need some serious prodding...

Enjoy the Hunger Games? We're all playing the Nutrition Games in real life

4/24/2012 - Ready, set, go! You have just been released into the wild, a survive-by-any-means world, where nearly all food and medicine is toxic, doctors and dentists prescribe cancer causing medication and radiation, you have no rights to speak adversely about your government, and you can be imprisoned with no...

The food industry is waging war on your cells with these 10 toxic ingredients

4/22/2012 - Preservatives and synthetic food agents found in foods inhibit oxygen and delay the development of fungus and mold, creating a longer shelf-life for products. But after being consumed, these toxins deprive human cells of oxygen and rob them of nutrients, thus leading to cell mutation and the perfect...

Pepsi's 'Next' generation - Less sugar, more toxins!

4/22/2012 - On March 26, 2012, Pepsi introduced their latest in a long line of soft-drinks aimed at the health-conscious consumer. According to their press release, Pepsi Next is aimed at, "a segment of consumers who are resistant to both regular, full-sugar cola and diet cola offerings. These consumers love the...

The healing effects of music proven in tests

4/21/2012 - Easy listening or classical music has been proven to increase healing rates of convalescing patients, researchers have revealed. Patients taking part in the study at John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford were split into two groups - one group underwent operations under local anesthetic and was played music...

Monsanto threatens Vermont legislature over GMO labeling bill, says it will sue state

4/20/2012 - Things are heating up on the genetic engineering front in the state of Vermont, where an overwhelming 96 percent of Vermonters vehemently support "right to know" legislation that mandates full disclosure of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) on food labels. But according to Ronnie Cummins from the...

The Health Ranger interviews neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock on mandatory vaccine trials, fraudulent vaccine science and vaccine ethics

4/20/2012 - In the following interview, Mike Adamsconducts a video interview with neurosurgeon, researcher and writer Dr. Russell Blaylock - an expert on excitotoxins like aspartame and MSG - about fraudulent vaccine science. Dr. Blaylock reveals the disturbing truth about vaccine trials and ethics, as well as...

Fed up with steroids and asthma inhalers? Try the benefits of herbs as natural treatment for asthma

4/18/2012 - Natural treatment for asthma helps reduce acute asthma attacks, manage chronic asthma and helps those with general trouble breathing. The benefits of herbs for treating asthma and the lungs has been shown repeatedly through the centuries worldwide. Asthma is a chronic upper respiratory disease affecting...

Pets are good for child health

4/18/2012 - The New York Times came up with an article recently entitled "Can Fido and Whiskers Enrich Children's Lives?" Different medical researchers and scientists were consulted for this article, which begs the question: Does research money really need to be spent on this type of question? It's one thing...

Eating seasonally - one of your best health allies

4/15/2012 - Imagine a vegetable garden in the dead of winter, then imagine that same garden on a sunny summer day. Part of the beauty of nature's bounties comes from how vastly different they are during the various seasons of the year. The seasons are a source of natural diversity, and this is why changes in growing...

Health Ranger interviews neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock on MSG and brain-damaging excitotoxins

4/13/2012 - In the following interview, Dr. Russell Blaylock, renowned neurosurgeon, author and researcher, talks to Mike Adams about MSG, aspartame and other brain-damaging excitotoxins that are widely used in our food supply today. Dr. Blaylock is the author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills and other important...

Battlefield acupuncture offers a safer, more effective alternative to dangerous painkiller drugs for soldiers

4/12/2012 - Psychiatric drugs and painkillers are now being routinely used across the U.S. military, where violent suicides have skyrocketed to levels never before seen in history. In the military today, soldiers who suffer TBIs -- Traumatic Brain Injuries -- frequently receive treatment with mind-altering psychiatric...

Score one for the chickens - a small victory in Johnson City, Tennessee

4/12/2012 - Score one for freedom and grassroots activism. Johnson City, Tennessee commissioners voted 3-2 to amend their current zoning ordinance and allow chickens to be kept as 'pets' in residential areas. This reversed a 2010 decision, when officials first considered allowing chickens but decided against it. Emily...

Walgreens targeted in DEA crackdown on prescription painkillers

4/12/2012 - Just a few months after the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) raided two CVS pharmacies in central Florida for ordering excessive amounts of painkiller drugs, including oxycodone (OxyContin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin), the agency is now pursuing half a dozen Walgreens pharmacies in the Sunshine...

The 5 best natural antibiotics and anti-virals that destroy superbugs and just about everything else

4/10/2012 - Sir Alexander Fleming discovered the antibacterial power of the mold Penicillium notatum in 1928. Even though it was a natural healing agent effective in destroying Staphylococcus aureus and other noxious bacteria, the pharmaceutical industry got hold of nature's bounty and it became -- along with multiple...

Top 10 herbs and spices for strengthening your immune system

4/9/2012 2:56:32 AM - Of the many systems working within the human body, the immune system is an excellent example of complex efficiency. A network of participating cells and organs, it synchronizes its responses when defending the body from infection and disease. In its element, it has the capacity to remember diseases...

Study: EPA-approved GMO insecticide responsible for killing off bees, contaminating entire food chain

4/9/2012 - Early last year, leaked documents obtained by a Colorado beekeeper exposed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) illegitimate approval of clothianidin, a highly-toxic pesticide manufactured by Bayer CropScience that the regulatory agency knew was capable of killing off bees (

The Swiss government's exceedingly positive report on homeopathic medicine

4/8/2012 - The government of Switzerland has a long history of neutrality, and therefore, reports from this government on controversial subjects need to be taken more seriously than other reports from countries that are more strongly influenced by present economic and political constituencies. Further, when one...

How to keep your kidneys healthy, happy and stone-free

4/7/2012 - Kidney stones are one of the most excruciatingly painful conditions a person can develop. But a recent study published in the Journal of Urology has found that maintaining high intake of calcium and fluids, and cutting back intake of refined salt, can help to prevent kidney stones from forming. Dandelion,...

For many patients, cannabis may offer the best medicinal pain relief yet discovered

4/6/2012 - By the beginning of the 1980s, after a four decade long lockdown, a re-interest in cannabis arose in the scientific community. In 1982, the American Institute of Medicine published an intriguing report entitled "Marijuana and Health". The report was a collection of tentative exploratory research and...

Big Cancer foundation continues to crumble - Mainstream media admits most cancer studies cannot be replicated

4/4/2012 - Since the Dark Ages when the black plague swept through Europe, few diseases in human history have elicited such a deadly combination of fear and ignorance. In this modern age full of the wonders of technology, cancer is our greatest fear, and our greatest unknown. A UK poll found the highest percentage...

Medical madness: Researchers develop genetically-engineered 'pharm' goats that produce vaccines in milk

4/4/2012 - Just as predicted, the scientific community's genetic engineering fetish is quickly degenerating into a no-holds-barred, genetic-tampering freak show of dastardly proportions. According to the Houston Chronicle, researchers at Texas A&M University (A&M) have unveiled a new line of genetically-modified...

Bye bye Coumadin, so long Plavix - Say hello to five natural blood thinners that protect against strokes and blood clots

4/4/2012 - The November 2011 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine reports that most emergency hospital visits for the elderly are caused by side effects and overdosing from taking blood thinners to prevent strokes and blood clots. Conventional doctors wait until you're at risk of a stroke or have had...

Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated

4/4/2012 - For several years, NaturalNews has maintained that many vaccines actually cause the very infectious diseases they claim to prevent. Measles vaccines, for example, actually cause measles. And flu shot vaccines actually increase susceptibility to the flu. (See sources below.) Now we have an open admission...

Dirty kids are healthy kids - the Hygiene Hypothesis

4/3/2012 - Here's a concept that most parents will find a little hard to believe: new research shows that it's possible kids can be too clean. You read that right. That's because all of the soap dispensers, hand sanitizers and alcohol-tinged wipes could be robbing our kids from exposure to the germs that...

Reverse cataracts naturally to avoid surgery

4/3/2012 - Cataracts are common occurrences among aging humans and often their pets. They can occur among younger humans also. The symptoms are cloudy vision, extreme glare sensitivity, with a sense of trying to see in heavy fog under certain lighting conditions. This occurs after proteins interlock to form a...

'Trickle-down tyranny' term coined by the Health Ranger unexpectedly emerges as title of Michael Savage's newest book

4/3/2012 - In November, 2011, I coined the term "trickle-down tyranny" to describe the phenomenon of what I saw happening in America. That term became the headline of an article published on November 22, 2011, which was also covered on the Alex Jones Show (video link below). Paul Craig Roberts even commented on...

Five easy ways to detox lymph nodes and boost your immune system

4/2/2012 - Everyone knows a sedentary life style, whether as a couch potato, office worker or vehicle operator, is not conducive to good health. If one is ambitious, with enough time he or she will exercise andfocus on the heart, lungs, and/or muscles. The lymph system needs to be worked also. It is the sewage...

Chinese herbal medicine is twice as effective for infertility as conventional Western drug therapy

4/2/2012 - In a review published in the December issue of the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine, women receiving Chinese herbal medicine treatments were twice as likely to get pregnant within a four-month period than those receiving conventional Western medical fertility drug treatment or IVF. The findings...

Eliminating gluten from the diet can relieve brain fog (mental confusion)

4/2/2012 - Brain fog is a real problem despite the lack of information in most medical and psychological texts. Brain fog describes mental confusion or a lack of mental clarity. People with brain fog have difficulty thinking clearly most of the time and in varying degrees. A morning bagel, lunchtime sandwich or...

Health Basics: The 11 most toxic vaccine ingredients and their side effects

4/1/2012 - It's been only 70 years since World War II, and the mad scientists from companies like I.G. Farben, BASF, Hoechst, Dow and Bayer, who created the gas chambers and tested dangerous vaccines on innocent Jews, didn't just go away. In fact, they went to work for U.S. corporations and pharmaceutical companies...

Google patent application admits existence of spy technology that listens to your ambient noise to target ads

3/31/2012 - Despite being labeled as conspiracy nuts, the prediction from a few voices in the wilderness that Google was planning to use the ambient background noise of a person's environment to direct targeted advertising to them through technology has come to pass. According to, which warned readers...

Eating fruits and vegetables makes you look more attractive within six weeks

3/31/2012 - Many of us already know that eating fruits and vegetables makes us healthy and energetic. We also know from experience that food and beauty are related. Now we have further evidence from research from University of St. Andrews in the UK that fruit and vegetable intake is also associated with healthy...

Taking an aspirin a day will cause cancer, not prevent it

3/31/2012 - The mainstream media is abuzz with new reports that claim taking an aspirin a day will supposedly help keep cancer away ( But just a few years ago, mainstream science was declaring the exact opposite, as a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute back...

Confirmed: Michigan pig ban will eliminate all heritage breeds, destroy thousands of small-scale farms

3/30/2012 - As many NaturalNews readers now know, the state of Michigan's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently issued a final ruling on its invasive species order (ISO) for swine that targets destructive "feral" species for elimination across the state. But what many people do not realize is that because...

IRS wants 4,000 new agents, $300 million budget to enforce Obamacare

3/30/2012 - More than quadrupling an estimate it put forth last year for new agents (, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now says that it will need more than 4,000 new agents to enforce the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. And in addition to these new...

NSA building massive spy 'data center,' tracking all private communication

3/29/2012 - Regular readers of NaturalNews know that we've been busy of late keeping track of your privacy in this Information Age, which is not easy considering all of the entities - public and private - who want to know everything these days about you and what you are doing 24/7/365. But that's impossible,...

More aspartame side effects revealed - headaches, blurred vision, neurological symptoms and more

3/28/2012 - For a great majority of Americans who consume processed food, food additives are an ever-present component of the menu and one with serious health effects. In the United States as well as in Canada, aspartame - an artificial low-calorie sweetener - has been used as a food additive as early as 1981 after...

With grocery prices rising faster than restaurant prices, here's how cooking at home is always a bargain

3/26/2012 7:44:25 AM - In an age where the prevailing economic system often requires both parents working full time just to make ends meet, it's no wonder so many families eat out. The Fiscal Times reports that consumers now spend almost 4.5% of their total income on dining out, and now there's even more motivation. With...

TSA terrorizes wheelchair-bound three-year-old traveling with his family to Disney World

3/23/2012 - Serving as yet another reminder of just how ridiculous the "national security" theater is in America today, a U.S. Transportation Security Administration screener at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago has been caught on tape patting down a three-year-old in a wheelchair, and swabbing the boy's...

Why drinking alcohol makes you fat

3/22/2012 - There are many factors that affect weight loss, making the process more complicated than it may seem. The body produces different hormones in response to different types of foods and/or drinks. Losing weight is not only about calorie consumption but also about the types of foods and drinks consumed....

Ten tips for a spring detox to rejuvenate your liver

3/21/2012 - Spring is upon us, and the concept of "spring cleaning" our domiciles comes to mind. It can apply to the health conscious as well for cleaning out the body's master cleanser, the liver, while increasing supportive nourishment. Coincidentally, Chinese medicine associates spring with the liver and...

Vitamin E tocotrienols work through multiple pathways to delay disease onset and extend lifespan

3/21/2012 - The result of several new research bodies that have been published all point to the powerful effect of vitamin E tocotrienols to prevent stomach cancer, reduce fatty liver disease incidences and prevent disease mechanisms that can extend natural lifespan in humans. Over the past decade, many studies...

Do solar storms impact your health?

3/20/2012 - You may not know it, but all of the solar activity that is occurring now and likely to occur throughout 2012 could eventually have an impact on your overall health. According to scientists, earlier this month hurled radiation towards earth at speeds of 6 million miles per...

Asthma explained - A model for understanding inflammation

3/20/2012 - The pathology of asthma is complex. Asthmatics have increased susceptibility to environmental factors and inappropriate responses to them. The responses are bothersome and adaptive in the short term, but if left untreated, progresses to organic changes in the airways that are debilitating and life threatening....

Naturally relieve and heal toothaches and tooth infections

3/18/2012 - Toothaches generally occur when a tooth's nerve root becomes irritated. The most common causes of toothaches are infection, decay, injury, or loss of a tooth. Pain may also occur after a tooth has been pulled. While no one enjoys a painful tooth, the good news is that tooth pain and infections can usually...

Colloidail silver the perfect mouthwash? Scientists find rinsing mouth with silver treats infections

3/17/2012 - The amazing infection-treating properties of silver seem to be flooding the pages of scientific journals these days, as researchers, scientists, and medical experts are finally fessing up to the fact that this unique element possesses healing properties far superior to pharmaceutical antibiotics and...

Denying chemtrails is dangerous for your health

3/17/2012 - Statistical evidence shows that lung issues such as asthma and COPD have risen considerably over the past two decades. While there may be a few factors behind this, hardly anyone includes chemtrails as one of them. Scientists and governments have allowed some "limited hangouts" (partial disclosures)...

Is seaweed the future of alternative energy sources like biofuel?

3/16/2012 - In the age of ever-spiraling gasoline prices and with green technology still in its infancy, a number of scientists are actively searching for clean, renewable sources of energy alternatives to fossil fuel. Much of the push to create renewable fuel sources has gone toward the production of bioethanol,...

Natural menopause treatment with herbs, food remedies and homeopathy relieves cause of symptoms

3/14/2012 - Not all women experience symptoms of menopause; however, for those that do, natural menopause treatment can help reduce a wide range of symptoms that may bring misery to a woman's senior years. Menopause is the result of changing hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone. The Mayo Clinic reports...

Gluten attacks the brain and damages the nervous system

3/13/2012 - Some people are literally stumbling through life thinking they are a klutz when really gluten is to blame. Before gastrointestinal symptoms like upset stomach appear, neurological damage may already be done, according to the Center for Peripheral Neuropathy. The Gluten Free Society calls gluten a "potential...

Strong scientific evidence shows that eating berries benefits the brain

3/11/2012 - As we age, one of the functions that can often deteriorate dramatically is our mental function - our brain power, if you will. The good news is, researchers may have discovered a way to prevent this kind of decline: Eat more berries. That's right. According to research published in the American Chemical...

Correcting erroneous beliefs about calcium bentonite clay

3/11/2012 - Since the popularity of calcium bentonite clays have increased, misconceptions about how they work have become rampant resulting in many erroneous beliefs. I would like to dismiss some of these common misconceptions. 1. MYTH: It is not safe to brush my teeth with clay each day and pack my gums weekly...

Toxic China: Widespread lead pollution is poisoning children

3/10/2012 - Though set to become the world leader in manufacturing within the next few years, China has one of the worst track records for rampant environmental pollution with industrial materials and chemicals. And a recent report out of the town of Dongtang, which is located in China's major manufacturing region...

Aspartame danger - urgent warning about tumors and seizures

3/9/2012 - The laws governing the sale of drugs and food additives require substances be safe for human consumption. The artificial sweetener aspartame primarily consumed in beverages and as a popular sugar substitute has consistently been found to cause tumors and brain seizures in animal subjects. In 2005, a...

FDA scientist sentenced to five years in prison for insider trading on drug approval knowledge

3/9/2012 - A drug evaluator at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research for more than a decade, Cheng Yi Liang, 58, has been sentenced to five years in prison and three years of supervised release for using non-public FDA data to conduct illegal insider trading. According...

Welfare debit cards frequently used at liquor stores, strip clubs, casinos and amusement parks

3/6/2012 - An investigation by Colorado officials has found that welfare recipients are using their assistance debit cards to withdraw funds at ATMs located in casinos, strip clubs, bingo halls and amusement parks. According to a 9News investigation, the details of which were published by The Denver Post online,...

Common pesticides double children's risk of ADHD

3/6/2012 - Many people think organic fruits and vegetables are too expensive to buy for family meals. But those who have a hyperactive child should think again. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 4.5 million children ages 5 to 17 in the US have been diagnosed with ADHD....

The top 10 worst sources of aspartame

3/4/2012 - If you think you are making a healthier option because you chose to have diet soda over a regular soda drink, its time to think again. Crafty advertising may have given the term "sugar free" an impression of healthy alternative, but the truth of the matter is that chemical sweeteners are far from healthy. Despite...

Monsanto's Roundup herbicide found to destroy testosterone, male fertility

3/3/2012 - A recent study published in the Journal of Toxicology in Vitro has found that, even at very low levels, Monsanto's herbicide formula Roundup destroys testosterone and ultimately leads to male infertility. The findings add to the more than 25 other diseases known to be linked to Roundup, which include...

FDA mandates new safety warnings for statin drugs due to risks of memory loss, diabetes and muscle pain

3/3/2012 - On February 28, federal health officials added new safety alerts to the prescribing information for statin drugs, citing increased risks of memory loss, diabetes and muscle pain. It is the first time the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has officially linked statins to cognitive problems...

Sports drinks are sometimes better than water, but can also cause kidney stones and osteoporosis

3/2/2012 - Sports drinks are a favorite of athletes and some exercisers to quench their thirst and replenish lost nutrients. These drinks contain calcium, sodium and other minerals called electrolytes. An imbalance of electrolytes may be harmful. Sports drinks can help prevent or decrease some conditions by increasing...

SaneVax writes open letter to medical journal editor protesting bogus Gardasil study

3/2/2012 - On February 22, 2012, SANEVAX, INC. wrote an open letter to the Journal of Internal Medicine editor. It is reprinted here in its entirety: 22 February 2012 Dr. Ulf de Faire Editor-in-Chief Journal of Internal Medicine e-mail: Open Letter to Journal of Internal Medicine editor. Dear...

Indian tobacco helps smokers kick the habit and repair their lungs

3/2/2012 - Before the American Indian culture was shattered, the Indians used an unprocessed tobacco in pipes ceremoniously and for healing. Yes, healing lung disorders. Indian tobacco is known as Lobelia inflate or lobelia, which some herbalists, unafraid of being politically incorrect for using an herb once...

Google tracked iPhones, bypassing Apple browser privacy settings

3/1/2012 - Whether it is a federal agency monitoring your social Web presence or the world's largest search engine/media company violating your privacy, it's getting nearly impossible to escape the constitutional misuse of technology. Google, the world's largest Web presence, in addition to other advertisers,...

Demystifying "sugar alcohol": Is it a suitable substitute for ordinary sugar?

3/1/2012 - Circumventing reliance on sugar is something akin to a national pastime as many individuals seek unique ways to lessen their daily intake. This sort of dependence sends food marketers into a frenzy resulting in numerous products boasting "sugar free" or "low calorie" on their labels. For decades, thishas...

Bill Gates, Monsanto, and eugenics: How one of the world's wealthiest men is actively promoting a corporate takeover of global agriculture

2/29/2012 - After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than...

Three ways to prevent urinary tract infections in women (and stop the recurrence before it starts)

2/29/2012 - More than 50 percent of women experience at least one urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetimes, and despite the drugs doled out by Big Pharma, as many as 50 percent of those women experience a recurrence within one year, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The cause of urinary...

Toxic compounds from fried foods cause cancer and deteriorate brain health

2/28/2012 - Many health-minded individuals understand that eating fried or overcooked foods is unhealthy due to the chemical transition of normally stable fats to trans fats that have been shown to dramatically increase heart attack risk. Researchers from the University of the Basque in Spain publishing in the...

Petco sued for accidentally chopping off puppy's ear and gluing it back on

2/28/2012 - Petco is being sued by two former customers who claim that groomers at a store in Hawaii mutilated their dogs. In one case, groomers cut off a dog's ear and attempted to cover it up by gluing the ear back on. When Gladys Kapuwai brought her dog Dodo home from Petco groomers in Kaneohe (wearing a...

How gluten causes rheumatoid arthritis

2/27/2012 - Eating foods containing gluten could lead to rheumatoid arthritis, a disease characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints. Gluten intolerance leads to damage in the small intestine when gluten is present. Gluten is a protein found in most grains. Bread, pasta and pretzels are just some of the...

Mainstream column admits vaccines cause cancer in pets

2/27/2012 - Did you know that vaccinating your cat with the typical, recommended feline vaccination schedule may lead to your furry friend developing cancer? In a recent article published in The Ledger, Karri Miller, Central Florida's only full-time board certified veterinary oncologist, admits that inflammation...

Medscape offers doctors continuing education credits for reading CDC's latest anti-raw milk propaganda

2/25/2012 - Demand for raw milk is off the charts all across the country, which is presumably why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conveniently decided to release a new raw milk hit-piece recently, which was carefully designed to scare people away from drinking it. Filled with lies, distortions,...
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The Honest Food Guide is a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the truth about what foods we should really be eating. offers a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions. is a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health benefits. is a free online reference database of phytonutrients (natural medicines found in foods) and their health benefits. Lists diseases, foods, herbs and more.

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