Sunday, June 17, 2012

Top 5 Best Google Adsense Alternatives PPC Advertising Network | Blogger Sense

Google Adsense is no doubt as one of the best programs to make money from the internet. Google Adsense is favored by many bloggers, because they offer the best profit than other PPC advertising network. But some bloggers and advertisers do not like Adsense, I do not know why but I prefer adsense as the best program for me. Well, this time I’ll give you a list of some PPC program alternatives to Google Adsense.
Top 5 Best Google Adsense Alternatives PPC Advertising Network
1. Chitika
Chitika allows you to monetize your site with ad blocks that show product reviews and shopping links. Many people have cited Chitika as a great alternative to Google Adsense.
The happy news is, you can use Chitika Ads and AdSense together on the same page because Chitika ad units are NOT contextual, and it do NOT look like Adsense units. Further Chitika has a good referral program. For payment chitika prefer check but it also accepts PayPal payments method. The minimum payout threshold of Chitika is $20.
2. BidVertiser
Many bloggers say that Bidvertiser is the best Google AdSense alternative for Asian bloggers. It claims itself that it will always display the highest bidders on your site, assuring the maximum revenue possible at any given time.
BidVertiser pay you by PayPal with minimum amount $10 or by check with minimum payable amount $50. Anyway, this blog also use BidVertiser to earn revenue.
3. Clicksor
Clicksor is another good alternative of AdSense. Cost per click bid values are high enough in Clicksor so you can earn a decent income. Clicksor also allow you to add as many sites or domains as you want under a single account.
For payment Clicksor allow both PayPal and Check. For PayPal minimum payout is only $20 and for check that is only $50. With clicksor you are going to need a good amount of traffic.
4. Yahoo Publisher Network
It’s seemed like a copycat of Google AdSense. It is an alternative of AdSense but it has same restricted terms and conditions like AdSense. Good point is you will be integrated other Yahoo services, including Add to My Yahoo (RSS). Payment methods are both PayPal and check.
5. Ad Brite
It is one of the best Google’s AdSense alternative. It has more relaxed terms and conditions then AdSense and is much more accepting of smaller publishers like bloggers. The minimum payout of Adbrite is also low, it is only $5. But AdBrite not allow PayPal payment.

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