Sunday, July 22, 2012

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Other News

  • Science Technology Take Pictures Without A Camera

    Take Pictures Without A Camera

    Put your pointer fingers and thumbs together so they form a rectangle.
    Now go “click!”
    You just took a picture.
    Can you imagine it? That’s what it will be like to take a picture with the Ubi-Camera, now being developed by a group of researchers at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences, a university in Japan.
    The Ubi-Camera is a tiny rectangular box that fits over your thumb.
    For the viewfinder (the thing you would normally look through on a camera to see what you want to take a picture of) you simply form a rectangle with your fingers and thumbs.
    To take a picture, you press down on the box. Click! You’ve taken a photo—without a “camera.”
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  • News Sports Technology iPhone App Helps Blind Olympic Torchbearer

    iPhone App Helps Blind Olympic Torchbearer

    The 2012 summer Olympic Games takes place in London, England starting next month.
    From July 27 to August 12, athletes from 203 countries around the world will converge on the city to compete in sports including swimming, cycling and diving.
    Before the competitions begin, the Olympic torch is run in a cross-country relay through more than 1,000 cities in the United Kingdom.
    The torch was flown to the UK on May 18 and the huge, cross-country relay began.
    In the relay, runners hold the torch aloft as they run and when they get to a certain spot they light the next runner’s torch–and so on.
    The last torchbearer will light the giant cauldron in the Olympic Stadium in London, to mark the start of the Olympic Games for 2012.
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  • Environment News Science Scientists Discovers Corn Plants Make A Noise

    Scientists Discovers Corn Plants Make A Noise

    Most people know that plants react to light.
    For instance, if a houseplant is near a window it will start to grow towards the light.
    But what about sound?
    New research shows that plants not only react to sound, but even produce sounds themselves.
    Dr. Monica Gagliano is a researcher at The University of Western Australia. One day she was working in her herb garden and she started to wonder if plants were sensitive to sounds. Since she’s a scientist, she decided to find out.
    She and some other researchers discovered something amazing. They found out that the roots of corn seedlings (very young corn plants) make clicking sounds.
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  • News Technology Microsoft Launches New Tablet To Compete With iPad

    Microsoft Launches New Tablet To Compete With iPad

    When Apple introduced the iPad tablet, it was unique.
    It had a large flat glass viewing screen which you touched to move and open files, it was extremely light and thin, and it had a magnetic cover that not only protected it but it shut it down as well.
    When new technology comes along–and proves to be popular and successful–it’s not long before other companies try to duplicate it. They try to improve on the other company’s product if they can.
    That’s the case with Microsoft’s new tablet called Surface.
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  • Animals Environment News Endangered Right Whale Population is Growing

    Endangered Right Whale Population is Growing

    North Atlantic Right Whales are one of the most endangered whale species in the world.
    But now their numbers are growing again, thanks to a plan to keep large ships away from the whales’ nursery and feeding grounds.
    For many years the whales were hunted for their oil. Hunting was banned in 1937, but by the 1990s there were only a few hundred North Atlantic Right Whales left.
    The whales live in the Atlantic Ocean, off the eastern coast of Canada and the United States. They spend the winters in warm southern waters, where most calves are born, then migrate north in the spring.
    Many Right Whales spend each summer and fall in the Bay of Fundy, a large inlet of the Atlantic Ocean between the provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The water there has large amounts of plankton – tiny organisms that are an important part of the whales’ diet.

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